Want to be a VIP Home Slice? Sign up for my free newsletter here: eepurl.com/c_cnLj Learn a bit about the Windows 10 upgrades and how to stop it from happening (and how to throw a wrench in the works if it's started the install on it's own!). TIMECODE: 0:18: Background on the issue 2:02: How to stop it from happening in the first place (and stop all the pop ups/"reminders") 2:40: How to back out of it if the install hasn't fully completed yet Never 10: https://www.grc.com/never10.htm Windows Weekly Ep. 445 (the comment is at the 28:20 mark): https://twit.tv/shows/windows-weekly/episodes/445?autostart=false Twitter: www.Twitter.com/The_ChrisBryant @The_ChrisBryant My company: www.EmpireStudiosNYC.com